Thursday, June 19, 2008

Evening Update

This afternoon Kathi had surgery on the large laceration on her calf, which needed to be cleaned and closed up. The surgery went well. However, it almost didn't happen this afternoon as the physicians had some initial concerns with her blood not clotting. But after platelets were administered, the doctors were confident her blood would clot and they could go forward with the surgery. She was wheeled back to her room in ICU at about 5:30pm.

Kathi is stable but still in critical condition. In the post op, the nurses have been attempting to deal with some low blood pressure issues, which presents some concern, but is still manageable. They will be watching this through the night.

It has been beautiful to see the Lakeside family and body of Christ respond with so much love! Thanks for your prayers, your support and for the posts which the family is reading and so encouraged by.


Nathan McInturf said...

please let Kathi know that there are many praying for her quick and full recovery. - Nathan (Bridgeway, Roseville, CA)

AnitaS said...

Dearest Kathi,
We have been moved to prayer after receiving the news of your accident. Our family has such fond memories of our times together at FBCEG. In fact,you were on my mind just yesterday that we needed to plan a visit since you are just over the hill...WE will come to see you instead and we will continue to pray that you recover fully. Our Great Healer has you in the palm of His hand! Much love, The Swearingen from Minden, NV

Michelle said...

We are praying for Kathi and ask our Lord for a miracle. We pray for Kathi's recovery and for her family's strength. The Wells Family

Candy Colson said...

Kathi,I am praying one of your favorite verses for you, Joshua 1:8-9. "Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous".
This is inspiring me as I lift it up for you....thanks.
Candy Colson

Amanda said...

My thoughts and prayers are with Kathi and her family at this time. I may not know Kathi, but I seen the story on the news and I felt the need to place her in my prayers.

Cherie Denna said...

Our Almighty God does move mountains, and so many of them at the same time! We praise you Father and worship you. May you be glorified in this Lord. We see you at work and look to you for your miraculous healing throughout Kathi's body. Holy Spirit, we pray for your breath of life to flow through her veins and organs. Bind the wounds and give her strength Lord. She is a mighty warrior for your Kingdom! In Jesus name, our Savior, I pray these things. Love you sister xoxo

Gonzales said...

My dear friend Kathi,
I was very saddened to hear what happened to you, but I know God is with you and has his hands gently wrapped around you and is also guiding the nurses and the doctors that are taking care of you. Chris and I will continue to pray for you and your full recovery. You're an awesome woman and I look forward to seeing your beautiful smile the next time we visit!

Chris & Marcia

4j's said...

My Dear Kathi,
You are a dear friend and I look forward to our next conversation. I know the Lord is watching over you and that you will recover fully. You are an inspiration to so many and I want you to know that I am here for you, whatever you need.

May the Lord watch over you and your family during your time of recovery. You are all in my prayers

Love, your friend and sister

Lynn said...

I know that God's mighty hand is at work in and through you Kathi ....Let the praises ring for
the LORD on High!! Our church family here and around the world are lifting you in prayer sweet Kathi and Kathy! I know that your hearts are feeling it all..
REJOICE IN THE LORD, Let your gentleness be evident to all. The LORD is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving present your requests to God! And the peace of God which transcends all understanidng will guard your hearts and minds in Jesus Christ. Amen!!
Love to you and your family, Lynn

Helene Hopper said...

Thank you God that you have not left Kathi alone. Your hands are wrapped around her and her family and friends near by. Thank you for your Holy Spirit who lives in Kathi and helps her to be strong, and recover soon. She is a positive, loving, peaceful and a joyful person who is very much loved by all. We all have faith that you are hearing all our prayers.
God Bless, The Hopper Family

Unknown said...

Dearest Kathi,
My thoughts have been consumed with you since I heard the news. My heart breaks at the sadness and senselessness of this tragedy. But, I praise and thank God for every little sign of improvement. My prayers, along with all those who love you, continue to cover you as we kneel before the Throne of God, pleading for a miracle. May you feel His presence right beside you...
Love, Patty

Joe Sacramento said...

I JUST got through writing that our laws are not stiff enough, just a few hours before I read about this tragedy. Like many others, I am sick over it.

I am absolutely disgusted with the state of California's ridiculously high tolerance for drunken and reckless drivers.

Until citizens ban together and demand severe penalties like $20,000 fines and mandatory sentencing, we will continue to watch in horror as our brothers and sisters fall victim to these avoidable tragedies.

Please let Kathy know our family is praying for her recovery. Please drop me a line and let me know if there is anything we can do to help.


Davey said...

I am not a religious person by nature although I am spiritual. Any time someone is placed into this predicament I always send positive energy and thoughts their way.

I sincerely hope Kathi makes a complete recovery and can continue her life in a manner that is in line with her faith.

All the best,
The Edmonds family

Yoon family said...

Dearest Kathi,
Although we haven't had a chance to get to know each better, you always have a radiant smile and warm hug when we encounter at church. The light of Jesus always seems to shine through you! I feel so blessed to journey through God's Words with you this past year. You are one gentle yet strong lady...hang tight! The Lord is with you Kathi...hang tight! "If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast. If I say, "Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me," even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you." Psalm 139:9-12

You are continuously in my thoughts and prayers!
Love, Love, Love...Megan

A said...

Praying for you sister! Hang on! Praying for massive rest over your body at this time, full and complete healing, wisdom for the staff, and God's angels completely surrounding and ministering to you and the family there. All of this is being prayed constantly and also for Kathy. Family of Kathi, we love you guys and are sorry for this experience, but praying for strength and the peace of Christ which will SURPASS ALL UNDERSTANDING!
Annie and Mark Holt

gunn family said...

We love you and are praying for you constantly. It broke our hearts to hear this news...

the gunn family

Bay said...

I know that God is hearing incessant, strong prayer from Lakesider's, as I am one of them.
I just know that Kathi needs to do some serious resting up because she's going to have to put up with a lot of hugs when she gets home. Much love, Bay

AmyB said...

My dear friend, I am praying for God's miraculous healing over you and for comfort to you and your family. You're all I can think about lately. You are such a blessing to me. You not only taught me about God's infinite love for us, but you've always expressed your love and appreciation for me as a friend and that means more than you will ever know. I'll keep praying for God to watch over you and please know that I'm here for you.

Pam said...

Dear Kathi,
I am praying that your calf is now sparkling clean and already on its way to healing; muscle binding to muscle, the blood flowing smoothly and cleanly, the skin repairing itself. I am praying that the bruises on your brain just evaporate and that any swelling is pushed down by our Father's Hand. I am praying that your blood pressure starts to pick up to a normal level, that your heart beats strong and flows blood to all the vital places so you can heal, heal, heal. And I am praying that our Lord sits with you, that He comforts you, that He lifts you up and gives you and your family strength and peace. Lots of love, Pam L.

Unknown said...

My Friend Kathi,

Thank you for your generous spirit and I pray that God continues to hold you close and comfort those who love you while he heals your body. You were my first friend in Folsom and I looked forward to seeing you each week at Stepping Stones. We've only had a chance to meet for coffee once but I am counting on that second time. My prays for peace, mercy, healing, comfort and grace are with you constantly.

Joel McConnell

Katie Steele said...

Praying for continued healing for Kathi and wisdom for those caring for her. I know that God has his hand on Kathi and will continue to bless her!

Jill said...

I was thinking of you a lot on the day of your accident, and now I know why. I am praying for you and I just want you to know you are loved! We still need to go out to coffee and continue our conversation we were having that one night at stepping stones (I know it was a while ago) Anyway, I am keeping my mom updated as she is back in Susanville now, and she is praying for you as well. I hope to see you and hang out with you soon!
Love Jill Whitmire (Schumm)

klonergan said...

Dearest Kathi, I am praying for you contstantly throughout the day and even got some more CR friends in So Sac on board. You have a might army of prayer warriors partnering with God to pull you thru this! I expect some bunny foofoo action from you when you get better!

PattyDuHamel said...

I just happened to be driving by the accident right after it happened. I had no idea who the ladies were until I recieved an email this morning for a prayer chain.

Kathi has been such an wonderful influence to me as a newcomer to Lakeside and to Chrisitianity. What a difference she has made in my life. My heart and prayers for a successful recovery, go out to her and her family.


Jamie, the Very Worst Missionary said...

We've got our team down here in Costa Rica praying for your recovery.
We love you,
The Wright Family

Kelly said...

Dear Kathi ~ We are standing with you appealing to our sweet Savior for His mercy and that it would be evident to all. I have been so blessed by the joy you have radiated everytime I have encountered you lately. You are greatly loved and valued. And He is faithful...
~ Kelly Broughton

peggy said...

Hi Aunt Kathi I hope you are all right I hop you recover soon. I love you very much and I hope nothing hapends to you. I will pray everynight and I all ready do I hope the lord will love you so much to have you stay alive. And I know tht my mom and dad Dave and Theresa are hoping you are well recovered. I will always love you and about you. love you.

Mrs D said...

My prayers go out to Kathi for a quick recovery. She has been such an inspiration to me and she always has a smile to share. God Bless to Kathi, her sister and brother in law, and to the Lakeside staff for everything.

Melissa said...


I know God is holding you and your family in his embrace.
You're in my prayers day and night.

Lots of Love,

Jeanine Copeland said...


I pray for complete healing and restoration to your body through our Savior Jesus Christ. I pray that the love and light of Christ Jesus surrounds you and your family members and brings you peace,love and comfort AMEN!


Fred & Willa Young said...

Kathi - as I recall your smiling face and warm greetings at Lakeside Church - our hearts go out to you and your family during this trial. We do pray for your complete recovery, peace in your heart and mind that the Lord our God will care for you and give your family strength. Thank you Lakeside for the updates.
God bless you Kathi -
Fred & Willa

K3 said...

Dear are on church prayer chains in Colorado, Arizona and Hawaii. The FAB4 unites!

Anonymous said...

My name is lauren and My heart goes out to all that know Kathi and the other lady as well. I personally didnt know them but i can say Brandi Thomas is my best friend in this world my sister that has been through everything with me including my recent car accident leaving me with broken hips and no longer walking at only the age of 19 . Life throws and shows us the strangest and most difficult obstacles. I really pray for a good recovery on both ends, and in light of my accident all these comments and people are the best healing power god gave as medicine. I am sorry for my friends actions and i hope for the best.

Dawn Storm said...

Dear Kathi,
I was so sad to hear about your accident. Just know that I am praying for you. You are a great women of God and I do believe that He is the healer and will heal you. I loved being on staff with you at FBCEG. Lots of fun memories with you. I am in daily prayer for you. Love you Kathi. Dawn Storm FBCEG

Rosemary said...

Kathi, I hope you know how many loving Christian women are praying for you all through the day and night. Your sisters in Christ at Rolling Hills Christian Church are keeping you in their prayers. I drove by the accident about an hour after it happened and saw the mangled bikes on the side of the road. I stopped to pray for you all. I know it is a miracle of God that you are still alive. He will guide you through this recovery. May the peace of Christ be with you and your family. Rosemary from RHCC

T2 said...

Dear K4~
We won't be complete until you're well again and feeling Fab! Our Father knows the outcome of this and has you tightly in his hand. Our prayers from Hawaii are with you, dear friend. Can't wait until we're all together again!!

Love said...

Kathi, you have been in our constant thoughts and prayers. We are praying that the Lord would be glorified in your full recovery. We won't stop praying until you are back here with us! Much love, Sean and Holly Miller

Heather Bystrowski said...

We love you and have nothing but good thoughts for will be a day of healing we are certain of that!

Judy Lowder said...

We are praying for Kathi. We know God will never leave our side and is with Kathi and her family. Jeremiah 33.3 says "Call unto me and I will answer, and show great and mighty this that you do not know". We believe all things are possible through Christ our Lord.

Mishelle & Wade said...

Kathi, our family is praying for your full recovery! Your are in our Father's hands now & forever! May He guide you & your family through this trial in your life! We look forward to seeing your smile again!
With love & in His Name!
Mishelle, Wade, Nathan, & Lorelai

the blog according to Libby said...

Remember what I always say to you, "you are a rock star!" and I know you will pull through this because Jesus is right there with you-whenever I pray for you which has been 24/7, I picture Jesus with his hands on your brain bringing healing and wholeness to you. Jesus, I know you are able-your touch is mighty! We all love Kathi and know you love her even more than we can imagine-do your thing, God, and we will give you the glory!
Libby, Dan, Maggie and Trent

McJRae said...

Dear Kathi,
I owe you lunch, so I'll be ready when you are! :-) Father God, I know that Kathi is not alone. You are tenderly holding her in Your arms. Be with her as she begins her recovery. Keep her strong. Let no infection enter her body. In Jesus' Name, I pray...Amen.
Jacki McNeil ('n Terry, too)

2girls2love said...

Sweet Kathi,
I have not stopped praying for you since hearing of your injuries ...

"Now glory be to God! By His mighty power at work within us He is able to accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare to ask or hope." Eph. 3:20

...what a privilege to pray for you and Kathy, our hearts and minds are fixed on Jesus and His unfailing love for both of you!

Pam, Ben, Charlotte and Alanna Hembree