Monday, July 7, 2008

Sponge Bob

Today was another day of steps to healing for Kathi. She went to surgery this morning to replace the piece of skull that had been removed after her accident to allow her brain room to swell. It was determined by her physicians that her condition had stabilized well enough to do this. Yippee! 

This afternoon she was sleepy and sedated, gradually coming out of the anesthesia. So, she wasn't quite as perky as she has been, but she did still make me laugh out loud.

She was a little restless -squirming a bit. I asked her about pain, then asked if there was anything else I could get her. She looked at me and said "coffee." I apologized to her and explained that she couldn't have coffee quite yet, but soon. I then tried (unsuccessfully) to find a baseball game on TV for her to watch. While flipping through the channels, the cartoon "Sponge Bob" came on and I asked if she wanted to watch that. With a totally straight face, she said, "No - he's too self-absorbed." (Get it? He's a sponge . . . absorbent . . . ) Then promptly fell back to sleep. I don't know if she was making a joke, or merely rambling while coming out of anesthesia. Regardless, I laughed . . .

It hasn't been firmed up yet, but she may be transferred to rehab tomorrow afternoon.  That will be excellent for her - a dedicated team of people to help her re-learn to do all the things she needs to do.

What a blessing to laugh at her bedside and watch her mind continue to heal. How powerful is our God!


T2 said...

Dear K4~
Glad to know that you're all knit together again! Rehab will be challenging, I'm sure, but I know that God will give you the strength and the will to fight your way back to wholeness. So many people in Hawaii are praying for you and I pray for you every day. I can't wait to see you again!

Lynn said...

God I am on my knees with joy and gratitude for your amazing miraculous work in our sister Kathi! Thank you Lord...Thank you!!

Kathi,so glad that your humor is keeping everyone filled with laughter. I was laughing just reading the blog about Spongebob. He is such an annoying little sponge...hehe

Keep relying on God for your strength, he is right by your side! Not to mention hundreds of your friends praying to God for your continued recovery.

You are beautiful and very loved,
Sweet dreams Kathi,
Hugs, Lynn

Katie said...

Love the Sponge Bob joke! I laughed out loud! Every time I read a new blog, I smile. Praying for rehab and the new challenges that will arise!

Cherie Denna said...

Kathi, I've always loved your wit and humor. You made me laugh so much at retreat and to hear of your humor even in the midst of is a God given gift, your ability to bring joy to others. I'd love to be your ghost-writer of this story for His glory! Glory and honor and praises to you, Lord! Amen!
In His Light, Cherie

Pam said...

Oh, I am voting that you know who Sponge Bob is and that was a joke! :) That is so awesome, heart-warming, and brings a big smile to my face. God bless you, Kathi. Can't wait to see your fast progress in rehab!
Love, Pam L.

hoovstir - Laurie said...

Praise God for His healing hand upon Kathi's life! I am thankful the surgery went well and kathi's head is on the mend! Good and solid, not self absorbed! TEE HEEE! Please give kathi ad BIG hug from her friend Laurie is Salem Oregon. Tell her I love her and I am praying for her each and everyday. Let her know I still have my feeding tube, but God is good! He will continue His healing power in her too! THANKS for this blog! Hugs and best wishes to you too!

Heather Bystrowski said...

uummm I think that she meant that joke because that is way to clever and sounds like our girl!

Thank you lord for this day to day progress and amazing faith story in the works!! Daily I am so excited to read the blogs! Praise our lord!

christa said...

Kathi we check in on you almost every day, I am think I smiled almost as big a smile as your beautiful one when I saw your picture. Our little 6 year old, Sierra, was so happy to see your face, too. She asks about you constantly, though to the best of my knowledge she's never met you in person. Now, I know she'll ask even more since you two have a Sponge Bob connection! While I cracked up at the joke (yes, I watch Sponge Bob!), Sierra didn't laugh at the joke. I don't think she quite understands homonyms yet. May God continue to bless this amazing life. We're praying for you!
Christa & Aaron

Anonymous said...

Ha! Too self-absorbed!

What a wonderful friend you have in Kathi. I will definitely keep her in my prayers!