Tuesday, July 1, 2008


To quote Theresa, "Kathi amazes us!" And today was no exception.

First, Kathi made it through the skin graft quite well and is all patched up! There was no further infection, so the doctors were able to do what they needed and she is resting quite well in her room this evening. Due to some other emergencies they unfortunately had to delay her surgery until this evening, but around 9pm we got the great news! So it is looking like rehab is the next step in Kathi's journey.

Other positive news today is that Kathi's temperature consistently stayed under 100. A culture of her lungs came back clear. And the swelling in her brain seems to be going down. Kathi's progress is simply amazing and we see that each day she becomes more and more reactive to outside stimulus.

Kathi evidently showed some attitude while working with an exercise ball today. Her sister Theresa was doing some hand exercises with Kathi in order to help her gain more strength and movement on her right side. When asked to move the ball from one hand to another, Kathi looked straight at Theresa and asked, "why?" Theresa said, it was as if Kathi was telling me, "I will show you!"

Another fun incident happened when some of the gals around Kathi where talking this afternoon about shopping for shoes. As they talked, Theresa mentioned to Kathi that she can't go shopping for a lot of shoes because "her husband has her on a budget," at which Theresa made a face. And without missing a beat, Kathi mimicked the facial expression of Theresa. While that brought laughter to the room, it did reassure everyone that Kathi knows what is going on. Brother Jack put it this way, "Kathi hasn't lost that twinkle in her eye. And in that twinkle, you see her love for life and her love for God."

Yes, it is all simply amazing! And while we have all witnessed God's amazing hand on Kathi's progress, we just want to remind everyone that her journey will still likely be long and involved, so your continued prayers are so appreciated. We will continue to keep you updated!

P.S. Kathi when you get to reading this, I just want to let you know that the Giants beat the Cubs tonight 2-1!


Litlbit said...

Amazing! Amazing! Amazing! God is so good! What wonderful news on your surgery today! Kathi, continue to show those around you the awesome God you serve and don't let them get anything past you. Give them a little attitude if need be. Praising God for your continued progress each day.


Silvan Family said...


Our dear friend! We miss you in the office and can't wait until we can see you. The office shenanigans are not the same without you. We're continuing to pray for you and one day soon we'll sneak in some of your favorite Ben and Jerry's Heath Bar Crunch. . . or. . .maybe some of that green stuff you use to drink...well maybe not, I don't know if that would be such a treat. Know for sure, when we get the okay to come visit, Lisa E. and I will come and give you some stories to laugh at and some well deserved diversions. We love you and miss you. Hang in there gorgeous. Hugs and kisses, Denise

AmyB said...

Thanks for the amazing news! Praise God that everything went well with the surgery on her leg. It is also wonderful to hear Kathi showing some attitude and her sarcastic sense of humor. You go girl!!! I am doing the happy dance and will continue to pray as I realize that this is only the start of Kathi's long journey.

2girls2love said...

"Indescribable, uncontainable, You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name
You are Amazing God
All powerful, untameable, awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim
You are Amazing God"

God's grace and mercy are so beautiful and I have no words of my own after all these days of prayer and hope and rejoicing....but I want to say I love you and our God is truly AMAZING in His love toward us His children!

thank you Lord!
praying continually for all of you,
Pam H and gang

Katie said...

I love it! Praise the Lord for a successful surgery and Kathi's spunk! God is good!

nanette said...

Hey Kathi-
coming up in the world of blogging:> the rogers fam prays for you nightly. We are so blessed to hear of your progress. You are one amazing chika with The one and only amazing God. Only He can unite so many over such vast distances to lift you up to His throne daily. You are so dear to us. It is so great to hear the surgery was successful on your leg. I am not one bit surprised of the spunkyness you are showing during your recovery.
Keep it up.

Unknown said...

More great news! I'm thrilled to hear the skin graft went well and that Kathi is talking -- even if just a bit. I'm also curious whether a spelling board has been brought in; I know this is sometimes used when patients are having a tough time communicating with words.

Keep up the good work, Kathi.

Cherie Denna said...

Our God is an awesome God! Kathi, my heart rejoices for you. Though the road ahead will be filled with challenges, you will no doubt celebrate many victories. You're on my heart when I awake and as I end my day. To read of your humor in these updates is just unreal! God's work in you is a miracle and is such an inspiration to us all. Peace and blessings our precious sister...The prayers never cease.. Cherie LaLanne

Unknown said...

More great news! I'm thrilled to hear the skin graft went well and that Kathi is talking -- even if just a bit. I'm also curious whether a spelling board has been brought in; I know this is sometimes used when patients are having a tough time communicating with words.

Keep up the good work, Kathi.

T2 said...

Dear K4~
I believe a party is in order! I'm so happy to hear of the successful surgery and your continued progress. God is good! What a witness you will be for his glory. We're one day closer to seeing Him!

ucdgrad said...

Praise the Lord!!! I am so excited to see the many miracles God is granting Kathi daily. I hope we soon see her back at church again!!!

Unknown said...

Simply incredible! Kathi, we all knew that you were an amazing women but the strength and tenacity you yourself have shown through all of this is amazing, moving and humbling.

Then, there is God... What a display of His magnificence, His love for you and the power of His healing hand. All I can say is WOW!

May you continue to feel Him right beside you; may you continue to rest in His arms as your body heals and may you know that you are loved, missed, being prayed for and thought of daily by many...

In His love,

Pam said...

Oh, praise God! I checked the blog so many times yesterday and was starting to get concerned. Oh, me of little faith. Our God is so faithful!! He will keep you on the fast-track to healing. Look forward to seeing you soon!
Lots of love, Pam L.

Cindy said...

What great news. I love to hear about the sparkle in your eyes and the mischief you are so anxious to get back into. I can't wait to see it in person. I am so thankful for God's hand in your healing and for his holding you through this whole process. He has never left your side, and will stick with you till you are back on your bike again!
I pray for your continued healing and strenghtening. I also pray for safe travels back home for Theresa and Jack - it will be hard for them to leave you, I know.
Thanks for the updates - I love to hear how Kathi is doing.
God Bless You!
Cindy D

Unknown said...

Wow! I knew that you'd get better Kathi, 'cause I know our God and how faithful He is and, of course, He is the Great Healer. Keep fighting Kathi, you have soooo many people praying for you. What awesome prayer warriors! I can't wait to see you and give you a big bunny foofoo hug. I read the blog everyday and am inspired and full of joy for you and just want to continue glorifying our Awesome Creator. Praise praise praise be to the Father. Keep exercising Kathi! You're doing a great job.

tammi lasater said...

I chuckled as I envisioned Kathi making a face that her sister did. I don't know why I'm surprised at the miracles God still performs, but I am. To see God working through Kathi knocks my socks off. You go girl!! I'm so proud of you sister!
With Love~ Tammi

Diana said...

This Blog is sure a wonderful comfort to those of us who think about you everyday and pray for God's powerful hand to hold and heal you, and bring you back to us.
God Bless YOU for all that you are going through and for all your amazing strength!
Diana B

Meagan said...

Praise God for such strong progress. I look forward to seeing Kathi around Lakeside again.

Thank you for keeping such a great accounting through this blog for those of us who are praying for Kathi daily.

McJRae said...

Hi Kathi,
Today was the day you were going to use our tickets and see the Cubs play the Giants. We didn't want the seats to stay empty so we put out the word that they were available. Doug Miller is going to be the one to tell you all about it! P.S. Dori was NOT happy that she was the second person to call! LOL