Saturday, July 5, 2008

Confession Time . . .

OK - confession time. Two of us are doing the blogging, and I've been back east for a week visiting family. When I walked into Kathi's room today, my heart soared . . . when I left last Saturday, she was no where near the level of recovery that she showed me today. Can I hear a loud "PRAISE GOD!" I asked her if I could take her picture and put it on her Blog. She gave me a look that we all recognize as "please, no pictures!" But she said yes, although she looked a little confused. I explained what a Blog was and that hundreds of people have been reading about her progress. She said "wow." She also stood today with a special device of support for about 15 or 20 minutes. After that, she was pretty tired. 

Kathi did not pass another swallow test today, so her feeding tube is going to be reinserted. She was able to tell me that she worked at Lakeside Church and told her sister that the year was 2008. But she couldn't remember my name . . . I'll try not to take it personally! After visiting for a while, I told her I would be back tomorrow, and she said "What time?" 

Her leg is healing well according to the orthopedic surgeon. She is getting stronger and stronger. It is unknown exactly when she will be transferred to rehab, but the sooner, the better. She still has a long road ahead, but it is with much support from all of you who love her.

Thank you, thank you to all who have prayed, fasted and kept Kathi in your thoughts. It is only by God's grace that we are seeing such recovery. 

Don't be discouraged if the updates begin to go every other day. We have a busy couple weeks ahead of us. We will make sure that significant events are communicated well. 


A said...

We appreciate these updates so much! I feel we have been spoiled with daily updates, so we thank you!

Kathi, you are BEAUTIFUL!!!! Thank you for letting us see your smiling face and just know we pray for you very often!!

Love you,
Annie and Mark Holt

Heather Bystrowski said...

Thank you lord for that smile...of all days lord you know I needed that...thank you god for your love and healing for our sister! This really, really made my day!

gunn family said...

Wow!!! All I know what to say is "Amazing"!!!Kathi, you are one of the biggest inspirations I know. How could anyone not believe in our God and Lord? You are just as beautiful as ever. Kathi, our family is back out in Austin Tx, again and I wish we could be there. You've always touched our hearts. We love you and miss you and our soooo proud of you for being such a trooper. God is using you in such amazing ways and I know he will continue through the days. God Bless you Kathi.... Love, Lisa, Blake, Bryson, and Colton Gunn. Thank you for your smile. Thank you staff for everything. Thank you God for all you are and all you do. Thank you.

Katie said...

Kathi you look wonderful! I am so encouraged with your progress and God's faithfulness to you! Praise the Lord for you, Kathi!

Cindy said...

What a beautiful surprise to see your face when I clicked on the blog tonight. WOW!!! Thanks so much for sharing your picture with us. Kathi, I know you have a long haul ahead of you, but also know that our God is strong enough to carry you through all of this, and pray that He will continue to heal you.
Father, please bless this precious child of yours. Please be with her during her next swallow test so that she can have the tube permanently removed. Please continue to walk with her and daily give her little bits of encouragement and healing.
Thank you blog team for doing such an awesome job!!!
Bless You!
Cindy D

4j's said...

What a BEAUTIFUL SURPRISE when I logged in tonight! You are LOOKIN' GOOD my friend! God has blessed you and your recovery in so many ways. So many people are by your side in prayer and it is so nice to see God working in your life.

I truly believe that through your journey you are inspiring so many more than you will ever know and I praise GOD for that. I 'hate' that you have had to suffer so but know that through this process you will bring many more closer to GOD.

I pray that over the next few days you will progress to a point that the tubes will cease to be necessary and that you will move easily into rehabilitation. I pray for your nurses to continue to keep you safe and that your doctors continue to make the correct choices for you as you continue to heal and that your family is comforted and provided for during this time of healing.

I look forward to the day that I can see that smile and hear your voice - until then - Praise God and bless you and your family.

2girls2love said...

What a beautiful sight! Thank you Lord, for these tangible expressions of Your continued presence and healing!I think this is one of the most precious "good nights" I've had in a long time .... your smile is a treasured gift from the hand of God to our hearts!
I knew how much I miss your smile at church, but didn't really realize the power that such a seemingly small gesture, done in Christ, has on the heart of those of us privileged to receive it. Thank you for sharing your smile with us Sweet Sister!

sleep well with Jesus,
I know I will!

love and hugs and smiles,
Pam H

Sally-Girl! said...

This picture is worth way more than a thousand words!!!!!

Praise God for His plan!

Thank Lakeside Pastoral team for being so awesome with keeping us updated and vigilantly being there for our sweet Kathi!

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) Sally

Lynn said...

Beautiful Kathi,

What a great surprise to see your smiling face and that sparkle in your eye!!

God I praise your holy name for the healing you have
given to our precious and beautiful sister!!

Seeing your picture on the blog brought joy to my heart. My prayers continue to be for complete healing and restoration of your mind and body!! I trust that God will bring you through the next phase of recovery with more amazing news!!

Thank you to all who are taking such great care of Kathi!!

Love and Big Hugs to you Kathi,

Cherie Denna said...

Kathi ~ There's your beautiful smile! I know I am not alone when I share this with I logged onto your blog and saw you smiling back at the world, I smiled as my eyes welled up with tears of joy. You are such a bright and shiny light for Christ! Blessings and healing prayer to you my dear. And much appreciation and thanks to our Blessed Bloggers!
In His Light, Cherie

T2 said...

Dear K4~
I'm so happy to hear of your wonderful progress and the strength being imparted to you by our Father. It's evident that there is still important work for you to do yet. May this physical trial give you a greater insight into the love of Jesus and the work that He's prepared in advance for you to accomplish!

Lynn's Life Blog said...

Kathi, what a wonderful surprise and such a fabulous encouragement to those of us that have been tuning in every day, hanging on the Blogger’s every word of your recuperation. Just to see your smiling face over the weekend is an encouragement in our faith. To see how God is working in your life, and through the lives of your family, the doctors, nurses, caretakers, and prayer team people.

God continues to build endurance in our faith while we uphold you in our prayers. Continue on the same path, my friend, and rest in him for all things. He will take your burdens, your emotion, and your cares upon Himself. Keep pressing on towards the goal.We can’t wait to see you in person. Our love and prayers are with you today and each day that passes. Lynnette & Jim

madru said...

I pray daily for both Kathi and Kathy. Although I don't personally know either one, I feel like they have become my family through these updates. I am a cyclist and my sister is friends with Kathy Hurd. Being the same age as Kathi and riding a bike to work daily, I can really relate. Thank you and God bless for the updates. Kathi, keep up the good work! We are pulling for you in San Diego!

Unknown said...

Beautiful smile from a beautiful lady!!!

Kathi, it's obvious that your work here on this earth is not done and that God has a powerful plan for your life.

Each day your story is an unfolding testimony to many, many people of God's healing power, His faithfulness and His immense love for His children.

Thank you for letting us see you smile at all of us! Know that your life has touched many; that you are thought of by many and that you are loved by many...

Hold on tight to the mighty Physician, He is walking with you every step of the way!

My thoughts and prayers are with you daily!

The Skinner Family said...

What a glorious sight to see your beautiful smiling face Kathi! Praise God for the incredible recovery you have made. My prayers will continue for you, your family, Kathy and her family as well. What an incredible Healer we have in God!!!

I do not know you, however like a fellow reader, I feel I do thanks to the wonderful individuals who have been so kind to create and keep up this blog. I drove past your accident after you and Kathy had been taken away and I wept - I could not believe what I saw. You both are incredible inspirations to us all!

Praise God and many prayers and healing thoughts for continued strength!
God Bless
Melissa S

Pam said...

WOW! What a blessing to see your smiling face! Thank you to our faithful blog writers who keep us up-to-date. And praise be to our mighty God who put that smile back on your face so quickly. He is so faithful!
Much love, Pam L.

Lil said...

Kathi, what a great God we have and Kathi what a beautiful smile to see upon reading your blog tonight. May God continue to bless you with strength and healing, you are a remarkable special person in many people's life. Keeping you in prayer and in our heart.

Anonymous said...

Dear Kathi,
It is so great to see you smiling and progressing so well. We are all sending our love and prayers to you. Aunt Marge, Sandy, Lisa, Janie, Larry, Lucky, Danny and all the rest of us. We know the power of prayer and witnessed it last year with Lisa's daughter Sarah. so I know you will be another of God's miracles;
Love your cousin Sandy

StephReeves said...

She looks beautiful! I so appreciate the picture so I know that she's really doing OK. The updates have been great and I've got everyone in the JESUS Film Project here in Orlando praying for her.

Kathi, I love you and wish I could be there with you. God speed, my friend.
