We first met with her speech, occupational and physical therapists. They are bright, competent and compassionate people. They let us know that Kathi is doing great. Very constructive information was given to us, along with ideas to make this rehab be the best it can be. One of their basic requests was to decrease her stimulation as much as possible. She is easily distracted by sounds in the hall, a napkin in her lap, or a chipped fingernail . . . and then she can't focus on their training and instruction. So they asked that we discontinue any visitation except for her immediate family. They explained the energy it takes to "visit" with someone detracts from her ability to re-train her brain. As painful as that is for us (and you), whatever is best for Kathi is our focus. Thank you for your understanding!
Kathi's diet has advanced a bit, and she is enjoying it. She has been transferred to a special bed (a veil bed) to better protect her from injury or falls. The various teams told us that Kathi is such a sweet person - her kindness shines through to them. They warned us that with TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) we may find that she displays unusual anger or frustration, so don't be surprised. But at the end of the meetings, the speech therapist said she doubted we would ever see that in Kathi. It isn't in her spirit.
We all want to know HOW LONG and HOW MUCH recovery will we see, right? I know that I want to know . . . and as you can imagine, the rehab teams won't say. It could be six months or two years - but they were very optimistic that she would have a "good" recovery. Just to remind everyone - Kathi sustained a horrible brain injury. We give praise to God for her recovery so far - and it is totally in His hands as to her further recovery.
This Sunday, July 20, there is an ability for you to help in a tangible way. The first week following the accident, Kathi needed a HUGE amount of blood products. So, Lakeside Church is hosting a blood drive from 8:30am to 12:30pm through BloodSource at the Lakeside Folsom campus. Your blood donation can be credited to Kathi's blood account which will go towards saving another person who sustains a traumatic injury. You can make an appointment ahead of time by emailing nancyconley@sbcglobal.net, or you can just walk in that day. If you want your donation to be credited to Kathi, just mention that to the blood drive staff. For additional information, you can call Lakeside Church at (916) 985-3245.
In closing, I want to give you a "Kathi-ism" - we were discussing styles of music today. One of us mentioned that we like a combination of old hymns and current Christian music. Kathi smiled and said "Aren't all hymn's old?" Hmmmmm . . .
Continuing to pray for total healing, Kathi! Glad you are able to eat a little more. Keep up the good work!
Kathi, you have been in our prayers as always. Keep up the hard work and we are so thankful for you and the recovery that God has granted so far. We have not forgotten the magnitude of this injury and we are amazed constantly by your recovery. Hang in there and we will continue our prayers!
Annie and Mark Holt
I hope that visitation has not been cut off to our cherished blogger!! What would we do without your updates!!! Thanks so much for faithfully keeping us so well informed so that we know How Kathi is progressing, and how to pray for her!! God Bless You!!!
Kathi, you continue to be in my prayers, as lots of us at FBC are doing right now. We remember you dearly and only pray for your continued healing. I look forward to the day the we can have a little visit and a cup of coffee. Take care keep up the good work.
Love you,
How great is our God - I am so amazed by the work he is blessing upon you every day. While it is sad that we won't be able to see you, I want only the best that God has to offer you and your doctors. Gods wisdom for your needs is what should be paramount in our prayers for you and your team of doctors.
I continue to pray for your complete healing and will see you when the time is right.
Love you and miss you lots,
"It will be a new day for us when we put away false notions and foolish fears and allow the Holy Spirit to fellowship with us as intimately as He wants to do, to talk to us as Christ talked to His disciples by the sea of Galilee. After that there can be no more loneliness, only the glory of the never-failing Presence." (The Pursuit of God, A.W. Tozer). From one Tozer lover to another, Kathi. You are in my conversations with my Lord often. Heal up girlfriend! Love you, Karen Engle
Dear K4~
I'm glad to know that you are healing well and that a good prognosis is in sight. I will pray that you can focus intently on your rehab and that our Lord will continue to heal your brain back to its full capacity! Okay, so that's only 10% for all of us, but one day, in heaven, we'll have all 100% to use! Can't wait for that!
Hi! This is Barbara, Katie's (kprincesskate) sister. I'm subscribed to the Journey, although I only really read it sporadically, and felt led to read up on your progress when I saw the link. I haven't forgotten y'all at Lakeside, just that I live in Sac and go to Fremont Pres. Church I can easily take the bus to. It's wonderful you're doing well! I've been praying for you too. May God continue a quick and complete healing, my sister in Christ. Love you all!
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