Yes, folks, today was D-Day, as in DISCHARGE! YEAH! Kathi's sister, Theresa, and niece, Emma, flew down to Sacramento on Wednesday. We have spent a few whirlwind days being educated, buying supplies and cleaning the bedroom where Kathi is going to stay for a while. It has been such a sweet and precious time, filled with anticipation, and then today . . . we brought her home. We arrived about lunch time, and after eating, Kathi went to bed for a nap and is still asleep as I'm writing this blog (2 hours). She told us that her body was in shock from the ride home and not being in the hospital anymore. I believe it!
She is still having difficulty with her memory and confabulation (verbalizations with no basis in reality) but we expect that to get better with time. To help her with this, she has a "memory journal" where she keeps information to refer to when she is confused. She is walking, but is unstable from weakness and dizziness, so she is using a walker. That, too, should get better in time.
At this point, we will start out-patient speech, physical and occupational therapy sometime next week. We are still waiting to hear about the facility in Bakersfield - there is still a possibility that Kathi will still go there for some "fine tuning" if it all works out with her insurance.
Kathi is desperate to shave her legs, and we hope to get her hair cut!
When I look back at pictures of Kathi taken in the hours and days after her accident, I still audibly groan. Personally, I confess that I was not hopeful that my sweet friend was ever going to make it. But God gave us a miracle - His power and grace is so evident when I watch my friend smile, crack a joke or share some thoughts on her relationship with God.
"To God be the glory,
Great things He hath done!"
Thank you for surrounding Kathi (and us) with your love and prayers. Blessings to all of you!
Hooray, Kathi. I've been praying for you and watching your progress, and I'm very happy to see you out of the hospital and taking another step on the way to recovery.
Dear Kathi - In the first few days of your accident I spent many times during the day praying and asking God to be with you. I felt desperate at the time and frustrated because I felt I could do nothing to help you. The verse Psalms 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God" continued to pop into my head. I felt like God wanted me to be patient with my prayer, so I continued each day. To see you actually leaving the hospital just reassures me AGAIN that God can do anything. And you my friend are the best living proof. Take care and know that you have so many people behind you...
Thank you Lord for Kathi. Thank you for bringing Kathi to Lakeside and thank you for holding her tight during this difficult time.
Oh Praise the Lord! I am so excited for you Kathi! You are doing awesome!
Praise Praise Praise Jesus! What an amazing answer to all of the prayers. We know much is still needed to be prayed for and we will continue! Lord Jesus, please watch over Kathi now that she is out of the facility and be with the family caring for her!
Annie and Mark Holt
Yea! Thank you, God...Good work, Kathi...Kudos, D'Acys and all! God's ways are above our ways and it is a sweet and tender thing to see Him at work in our midst. He is Faithful and True and I praise Him for each one of you. Love, Kelly Broughton
Oh, praise God for all good things! Thank You, Lord, for answering our prayers. I am excited that our Lakeside family may get to step in and help. If you need any meals or help with things, just say the word and a whole flock of us will come! Much love to you, Pam L.
We are so glad you have left the hospital! Keep up the great work. We will continue to pray for your healing and progress.
Lots of love and hugs from the Nations family (Kristine, Ellie & Madeline)
God, you are an awesome and amazing God! It is only through you that this day has arrived!!! Thank you for the miracle you bestowed upon Kathi and her Lakeside groupies by healing her! Thank you for your continued healing of our dear friend!!
Kathi -
I am doing the happy dance and praising God for your unbelieveable progress! God is so good! May he continue to strengthen you both physically and mentally! I miss you , my friend! Hope to see you soon!
Praise God! This is most wonderful news! Thank you so much for all of the updates. I will continue to keep Kathi in my prayers for a full recovery.
Debbie Werolin :)
Praise God!!!! I am rejoicing right along with you!!!! Indeed to GOD be ALL glory and honor for the GREAT and awesome things he is doing and will continue to do in your life Kathi!
Hey Girl, I'll shave those legs for ya! Can't be all that hard (tee hee). I'm so grateful to God that he has brought you this far so fast. We all want to see your smiling face at Church - Keep up the good work and if you just hafta go to B-Field, well I'm from there so I'll have to come down and show you the ropes. But believe me you'll want to get that therapy done fast!! Hopefully, you'll feel up to some company soon and I can come by and say Hi or take you out for some FRIES!!
God bless you sweetie!1 Cici
Yesterday in church our pastor asked us to give a show of hands who believes in the power of prayer, and not only did all of us urgently raise our hands, but I thought of you, Kathi! How miraculous has been your recovery given by the grace of our Lord. All the time we are praying for your swift recovery and our prayers have been answered! Glory to God. Congratulations on your discharge.
Oh! Praise the Lord! Our God is such an awesome God of mercy and healing. I am so grateful for your continued recovery, Kathi, and know that he will continue to hold you and protect you as you continue to heal. It must be so wonderful to be out of the hospital - let us know what you need - we're all waiting to help in whatever big or little way we can. God Bless You and the angels you have caring for you. Cindy D
So thrilled for you---you go girl! We love you!
I am so elated at your progress. You were an inspiration before the accident, but now an even more beautiful display of God's mercy, grace and love. I am proud of you and your hard work. You continue to be in my prayers and thoughts.Praise our Lord for miracles! I love you my sister.
It's awesome to see how well you are doing and that you are finally out of the hospital. Praise the Lord!
OUTSTANDING news!!! There is no other explanation for this miracle that we have witnessed other than the hand of GOD... Praise Him for His love, His healing and praise Him for His miracles!!!
Spectacular work Kathi!!!! Nice to see that beautiful smile...
Dear K4~
Well, I get back from vacation and have such good news waiting for me! There you are, out of the hospital and on your way to a home with loving friends to care for you. What an answer to prayer. Daily, I pray for you still and I can't wait for the day when we can chat on the phone. Keep at, dear friend!
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