She was pretty alert today and commented that she is a little frustrated that she can't just do what she wants to do, when she wants to do it. I think we have heard that before. She said this was especially true last Sunday - she really misses being at Lakeside and doing her job.
When the PT person came in, I asked Kathi to let me see her walk. So here are the pictures that show how well she is doing in that area. I praised her on how well she is walking. She said, "You know, everyone says that to me. But I don't feel like I walk well at all!"
The wound on left leg is well healed. The skin donor site causes her some discomfort as it itches. There is a little discomfort on the side of her knee when she is doing some of her exercises. But nothing too awful.
By her own account, her dizziness is getting better, and the nausea is pretty much gone. (Yikes! We didn't even know she was nauseated.)
My general assessment after todays visit: Kathi is pretty tired of being in the hospital. "Too many rules!"
Well praise the Lord that Kathi is making so much progress to even care about the rules! She looks great and I can not wait for her return to Lakeside!
Katie Steele
Dear K4~
It's great to see you up and about. I pray every night for you and ask the Lord to give you the endurance you need to finish this fight. I also pray that his presence will surround you in a way that you sense it. I know this difficult journey will take you to a new and higher place with the Lord though it may not seem that way now. I know you'll stay the course and see! :-)
I'm so proud of you! It's a HARD road ahead, but I KNOW you can do it since the Lord has already showed us that. We're still praying for your recovery and strength. God bless your journey!!! Love, Jenny
Kathi -
I am continually amazed at your progress. God is just doing amazing things and I am so grateful to Him. I commend you for your stamina and your tenacity. I realize that it can't be easy for you. You are constantly in my thoughts and prayers. Hang tough, girl. I hope to see you very soon.
You are doing awesome and amazing things. I am seeing that smile back on your face and it literally warms my heart.
God is taking such good care of you and it is evident that you are working hard to get back to all us who miss and love you.
Keep it up my friend - my daughter, Jordyn, also remembers you in our nightly prayers - it is very sweet when she says, mommy, you want God to Bless Kathi too, right? She is sooooo, right.
God Bless you and continue to heal you, to give you restful sleep and bring balance back into your life.
Johanna and Jordyn (she's 3- remember?)
What wonderful progress and what a beautiful smile! It will be nice to see that smile when she returns home to Lakeside!!
Bless you Kathi, you are an inspiration to many...
Dear Kathi,
I wonder how many people there are like me. We have ever met, although I used to live in El Dorado Hills and consequently follow the news of that area. So, I learned of your accident and heard about your blog which I now follow. And like all your faithful friends, I pray for your healing -- that some sense and benefit comes from all you have been through and I cheer your progress. I'm sure you feel the power of prayer working for your recovery, but you may not know the vast numbers of those praying for you. I hope some day when I am in the Sacramento area to visit Lakeside Church and have the opportunity to see you in person. You inspire me.
To see you walking and smiling and "showing off" makes me so happy. I am so thankful for God's hands on you and your healing. It is such a long process, but one that will continually point to the miracles of our Heavenly Father. I know that you are longing for the life you had and to be back at Lakeside. That is my prayer for you, too, and I know that God will honor that. I can't wait to see your smiling face blessing all who have the privilage to come near to you. But, I also know that you are such a strong witness where you are. God is working in you, and has such great plans for you! Not a minute of this will be in vain.
Rest well and keep the faith!
Love you-
Cindy D
Kathi, hang in there, and cast all your anxiety on him, the God of all grace, will When you have suffered a little make you strong, firm, and steadfast.1 Peter:5:7&10
Kathi, this has been my anchor and promise. I miss seeing you, hope we can visit soon. Joyce
Go Kathi!!! I have been keeping track of you as you progress through healing and marvel at your tenacity, determination and speed in which you are healing!!! I have been praying for you along the way and will continue until you are fully recovered. I praise God for you and know He has incredible plans for your life! God Bless and keep up the fantastic work!!! With lots of love, Christina Ball
Kathi - I check on your progress regularly and pepper Ms. Vickie with questions on details when I see her. I am so proud of you! I can't tell you how relieved and happy I am that you are doing well! Can't wait to come visit!
A word to Ms. Vickie - you have done an amazing job with these blog updates! They are so informative and they make me laugh! And laughter in circumstances such as these is a very precious commodity indeed! You make this stuff look easy Sis - and I know this one in particular hit a bit close to home for you....
Love you both!
Dear Kathi, I just got this new voice recognition program, so I can talk, and it can write.
My last blog was from memory, which is not too good, so I will try again.
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm, and steadfast.1 Peter 5:7-10.
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