Thursday, March 25, 2010

Retreat and More

Last weekend I had an opportunity to attend Lakeside Church's women's retreat. It was held at Zephyr Cove on Lake Tahoe. It was a tremendous weekend. Here are a few things I walked away with:
One, the speaker, Janice, did a tremendous job talking about companionship with God, as well as addressing barriers that can get in the way.
Secondly, the worship band did a great job in helping us worship God and connect with Him through music.
Third, I got to spend some wonderful time with my friend Shannon and getting to know her better. As well to connect with others from Lakeside.
The entire weekend provided the opportunity to be inspired, encouraged, as well as connect with God. I think God was showing me some things to take note of.
A very cool thing was that this was my first trip back to Zephyr Cove since the 2008 women's retreat. It's interesting, because I have a little bit of amnesia, and the first thing I can remember on my own is that retreat in '08. It was a great retreat with a fabulous speaker: I am so glad that I am able to remember it.
Also, my friend Shannon and I went snow shoeing. It was my first time. We went nearly 3 miles. I was tired, but enjoyed it a lot!
What's Next:
The weekend of April 2-4 is a big one for me:
First, it is Easter weekend. Easter is my favorite holiday, so it will be a joy to celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus. If you live in the Folsom, CA area and don't have a church to attend, come to Lakeside. We're having services all weekend long.
Second, it is my adorable niece Emma's birthday on April 4. It is hard to believe she is going to be 12.
On Saturday the 3rd, I am going on my first organized bike ride in over 2 years. I am riding on the tandem bike and we're participating in Party Pardee. The length of the ride we signed up for is about 110k (65 miles!) I even rode my "clip on bike shoes" for the first time since my accident last week. Am I nervous? A little, but I am also excited about the chance to do this; it speaks loudly of God's miraculous and tremendous healing of my body and my brain.
I'll be sure to let you know how it goes.
That's it for now, but I will add a little something in the next day or so, as this is long enough for now.
Blessings to you!

1 comment:

Sally-Girl! said...

It was great seeing you come in from snowshoeing when we arrived at retreat. You are such a blessing!!!