Tuesday, February 3, 2009

It's Still a Long Road!

Recovery continues . . . but it is a process not necessarily according to my timetable. One of the lessons I have learned over these months is that things won't necessarily happen when I want them to, but God is in control and his timing is perfect.

My rehab is almost complete . . . for now - I have the option to return after taking a little break. Even though I really enjoyed those who have served me there, I am going to be glad when this is finished. I am not back at work, and I'm not driving my car, or riding my bike yet. I need to take a special battery of tests that will help my doctors figure out timing on those things. So . . . I wait.

In the meantime, I'm walking a couple of miles everyday, riding my incumbent bike and getting stronger all the time. My sister, Theresa, will be coming for a visit next week, and I'm looking forward to seeing her! 

A few weeks ago, the young woman who hit me, and my friend, Kathy, pled guilty to the charges against her. Her sentencing will be the first week of March. I'm happy the court stuff is coming to an end. I'm happy I'm seeing less doctors. I'm happy my medications are being reduced. These are all good things, but the process still isn't complete. My recovery will probably still continue for a while and the "post-accident" Kathi is trying to adapt to new schedules and new ways of doing some things.

I continue to pray for patience and grace, and God will provide!



Katie said...


You continue to inspire me. I have been honored to watch God's hand at work in you and through you. Continue to get well, my friend.

Beloved One said...


I have been praying for you and watching your recovery since day one. Your faith, hope and courage have touched me deep within my soul. It is a blessing to see your progress and a great joy whenever you share your next step with us here. I will continue to keep you in my prayers and I will continue to pray for the young woman who hit you as well. May the love and joy that is so evident in your life embrace that young woman so that she may experience God's boundless grace and mercy through your example.

I look forward to your continued progress. I also look forward to seeing you again soon.

Karen J Ruth

Cindy said...

I am so amazed and inspired by you. I know that you are so anxious to be back to doing all that you want to do. I would love to go for a walk with you, if you want some company!
I am so thankful for the day to day growth and improvement that is happening in your life. You have always been such an inspiration to so many women, and continue to be even (maybe even especially?) through this!
Love you and God bless!

debbie daly said...


I read the aritcle about you in the Village Life. Great picture of you and Vicky. God Bless Vicky and her family for their love and support for you. I am so proud of your strength and courage during this time in your life. You are an inspiration to me and I am blessed to have been witness to Gods healing in you. Keep working hard and never give up. We love you and are praying for you.

debbie daly

Terri Oesterreich said...

Kathi, It is so good to read your comments and see how you've progressed. I'm amazed you are doing so well, and I thank the Lord for that. I know your community of friends has been an amazing help as well. I have you on my list of people I'm praying for regularly. Enjoy your visit with Theresa.

Terri Oesterreich

Meagan said...


I continue to think of your inspiring recovery. I pray that your next phase of recovery is speedy.