Walking through the past five months following an accident where I was critically injured, I thought it would be a good idea to identify some the things I am thankful for. Here we go:
- For God saving me - twice (at least). The first time was in 1981 when I entered into a relationship with Him through Jesus Christ. The second time was on June 18 of this year, when He saved my life from a terrible accident with a car while on my bicycle.
- For God taking care of me emotionally. I haven't had much anger (except with myself when I'm frustrated with what I see as limitations).
- For my family. Both of my parents have passed away, but I am very thankful for the time I had with them. My brother, sister, brother-in-law, nephew and niece. I love them so much.
- My job at Lakeside Church. It has been a wonderful place to work, grow and connect. I work and serve with some wonderful people.
- My caretakers, Steve and Vickie - than have been a God-send. They have provided a wonderful home and environment to recuperate. (As well as driving me to many places, waiting for me during rehab appointments and feeding me well!)
- The paramedics who worked on me and my friend, Kathy.
- The helicopter pilot that got me to the hospital.
- For the many doctors, nurses, and other medical personnel who operated on me and took wonderful care of me.
- For my rehab therapists - they are great.
- For the many people who have prayed, given to help meet my needs (including giving blood), have written notes or emails, phoned, and/or visited: the encouragement has been a big part of my healing process.
- For the healing that has taken place - I'm definitely a lot better than I was five months ago.
- For God bringing good things out of hard times. God's love, care, hope, and faithfulness.
I know the list could be a lot longer, but I'll stop with this and continue to note the many blessings.
It's interesting, but I've begun to look and hear things differently following my accident. While singing at church or listening to music on my iPod - many of the words have a deeper meaning to me. (I hope this isn't just a temporary condition!)
I hope that there is plenty on your "thank you" list.
Dear K4~
I'm thankful that you're still here to be my friend! I'm thankful that we're "family" and we pray to the same Father! I'm thankful that we'll get to spend eternity together, too!
I am thankful for how you have blessed Lakeside before and after your accident. You continue to amaze me!
Happy Thanksgiving from China!
I am forever grateful for the healing our Father has shown both you and Kathy, and for coming to know you better through this accident. Thank you also to the various keepers of this blog. Your work is so rewarding to so many. And lastly, before I go downstairs and have some of my wife's scrumptious pumpkin pie (boy I'm grateful to be able to say that), I want to thank each of the people that prayed for my wife and for Kathi. The comments I read were a life saver during some very difficult times. God bless each of you!
Dear Kathi,
I am soooooooooo THANKFUL for YOU and ALL God is doing in your life. I personally know how frustrating it can be when you discover your limitation. but thanks be to God HE is NOT limited and He is OUR strength in time of need. He helps us learn how to lean on Him and rely on Him when we are not able to do things ourselves. Life truly has new meaning has we grow and change through the trials that we have journeyed. I agree songs have new meaning and touch places in our hearts that never understood the full wonder of the words before. We have so much to be thankful for...each day is a gift from God, a blessing to behold. may you be blessed today and everyday!
I love you, my friend and keep you in my prayers each and everyday! {{{HUGS}}}
Your friend always,
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