Hi friends,
I know that it has been awhile since I've been in touch, so I
thought I'd write about what has happened this past week.
Monday (September 29)
On Monday, my sister came to town! It was SO good to see her. This was actually her fourth trip to California since my accident, but I only remember the last trip (a few weeks or so ago).
Things have changed since I saw her last. For example, I'm walking (most of the time) without the use of my cane. My memory is a lot better. Physically I am doing better . . . it was an encouraging visit for her and for me.
My sister is 3 1/2 years younger than me and it was great to see her in action. She is mature, smart, a go-getter, and has a good heart. I've been the recipient of her love, hard work, encouragement, and expertise.
She left Sunday and this was probably the longest time we spent together in a couple of years. I can't wait until she can return again. We spent the past week going to therapy appointments getting together with friends, doing a little shopping, eating, and just hanging out together.
Tuesday & Wednesday (September 30/October 1)
My therapy continues to progress. I had two days of therapy last week and will have two days this week. Today (October 6) had me in for all three therapies (physical, occupational, and speech). It went well and each of my therapists has been very encouraging and helpful.
Thursday (October 2)
Here is another cool thing that happened last week! I got to meet the medics who responded to the emergency call for Kathy Hurd and me. It was a wonderful opportunity to meet the men and women who treated and cared for us in the initial moments of our accident. Their timely and accurage treatment of us was critical. They saved our lives.
I know I have a hard time understanding just how critical my condition was, but hearing the various stories and seeing some pictures from when I was first in the hospital is enlightening me.
Sunday (October 5)

It was sad to leave my sister at the airport, but I'm thankful her family let her come down for the week. I'm glad she is back home with them.
Sometimes I don't feel like I'm doing anything! But I am consistently reminded that doing what I can do to get better is what I am to focus on. Though I don't have a lot "scheduled" into my week, it does take physical and emotional energy from me. I'm encouraged to hear that the frustrations and challenges are all part of the healing process.
If you have been praying for me - Thank You Very Much - and please continue. Pray for perseverance, continued healing, and for the wisdom that I need each day. Thanks.