Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mom Memories

As today is Mother's Day, 2010 and my mom passes away 13 years ago, I thought I would share a couple things I remember about my mom.
Mom and I had our challenging moments. No, I wasn't the perfect daughter nor was she the perfect mom: because none of us are perfect. The challenging moments were not fun, but we had plenty of fun moments. I used to tell her that she was one of the funniest people I knew. She also had an endearing laugh, so it would be great to hear that. Here are a couple of things that stand out in my mind:
Probably my most favorite memory of my mom, took place in the early 1990's. Mom had just walked through a few hard weeks of life. I invited my mom to attend a Billy Graham Crusade with me that was happening in a community near ours.
After Billy gave his messages, he would ask people to walk from their seats to the floor of the arena if they wanted to become a follower of Jesus. I had the privilege of walking with my mom as she chose to become a follower of Jesus.
What an experience and what hope that decision brought to her life. Mom is now in heaven with Jesus!
The second memory comes from when I ran my first 10k race. It took place in our hometown and the route would go past the apartment complex where my mom and I lived.
As I made the route and came upon the final third of the run, I made a turn that was taking me up a fairly long hill, as well as past our apartment. As I made the turn, there was my mom, cheering me on! Wow, how long had she been standing there and waiting for me? I don't remember, but it had to be awhile since I've never been a fast runner.
Seeing her there cheering me on was so encouraging and gave me a burst of energy for the final miles of the race.
Those are only a couple of memories, but they are special memories and ones that I am thankful to have. Moms are special people, though we may not always recognize the special moments at the time they happen.
I am grateful for the memories of my mom that I remember now and that I will remember in the days ahead.

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