Friday, April 23, 2010


Today I had a great opportunity to go on a bike again -- this time not on a tandem, but on a bike by myself. I stayed in the parking lot where Beretta Physical Therapy is located and rode around there.
My physical therapist, and tandem bike riding partner, Tom was helping me out. It was a tad nerve wracking as I now was responsible for the pedaling, the braking, and the turning. Tom had that all under control on the tandem.
There were a few times when I knew I should turn my bike to the left, but my brain didn't seem to want to engage with that thought -- but it did.
This was my first "practice run" and I've got a couple more appointments set up to practice some more. It still will take more riding before I get out there on my own completely, but these are some more wonderful steps in the right direction.

Friday, April 16, 2010


The Party Pardee bicycle ride was cause for great celebration, but I've been pondering other things in my life that are worth celebrating:
  • That I am able to memorize Scripture: I Corinthians 13 and Matthew 5:3-10 (I just completed.)
  • That I am more aware of my weak areas and beginning to make some adaptations.
  • That God is my Heavenly Father.
  • That Jesus is always with me and He loves me.
  • That I am feeling better and stronger.
  • That my brain seems to be healing more.
  • That I have incredible support: family, friends, new friends, medical personnel.
  • That I am feeling happier and more connected then I have been in quite awhile.
I am incredibly grateful for all that God has done in my life. It has been an interesting journey. God is faithful to guide me on this new path. He is in complete control. And He loves me with an Everlasting Love!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

CELEBRATE: It was quite the ride!

On Saturday, April 3 I had the opportunity to ride in my first organized ride in over two years -- my first since my accident in June 2008.

My tandem bike riding partner, Tom, and I competed in Party Pardee. This is an organized ride set in Ione that is sponsored by the Sacramento Bike Hikers. Tom and I rode the 110k (65 mile) route. There were 1,200 others who signed up to compete in Party Pardee.

Tom was an incredible lead rider. He communicated well, he is a strong rider, he was aware of taking advantage of the rest stops and re-fueling our bodies with the right type and amount of food. He led our bike well.

The weather was cold, but there wasn’t rain or wind. By the end of the ride, the clouds were parting a bit and the sun was coming out.

It was exciting to be on such a ride again. For me, being there said so much of what God has done on my behalf: healing me physically, healing my brain, giving me the strength I needed, as well as providing someone like Tom to teach and model tandem bike riding to me.

The ride had plenty of rolling hills, as well as some pretty good sized hills. The surrounding countryside was beautiful. There were plenty of horses, cows, and goats grazing as we rode by. At one point a Far Side Cartoon crossed my mind.

It was really cool when other cyclists, who knew us, would yell out our name and cheer us on. The other really cool thing happened at the end of the ride:

As we rode to the gate we needed to enter, there were people lined up, and when they saw us they began to cheer. They were there to celebrate with us. After we got off our bike, then someone brought out the champagne. There was also a cake donated by Babycakes Bakery (in Sacramento): German chocolate (my favorite), as well as nice words written on it and a red bicycle (that was the color of the new bike I was riding when I was hit by the car.)

It was a very cool celebration and I appreciated the thoughts of love, support, and others celebrating too. Many people have walked this journey with me, so I am glad that they got to celebrate too.

In the next day or two I will post some other things that I am celebrating. One of my big lessons on this journey is to celebrate the progress: no matter how "big or small" it may seem to us.

Monday, April 5, 2010


Party Pardee was a 65 mile bike ride that my tandem riding partner, Tom, and I signed up to ride. It had been over two years since my last previous organized ride, as well as a lot of physical, mental, emotional healing, as well as healing of my brain injury.

For me to be on this bike at all was a miracle, as well that my brain has recovered as it has.

The ride included, besides Tom and me, about 1,200 other riders. Some of them were my teammates from the Bodacious Biking Babes and Team Revolutions. As Tom and I were riding and people passed by on their bikes, they would call out our names. That was so cool.

It was a long ride, but beautiful. We were blessed to have no rain or wind. It was cold and cloudy, but towards the end of our ride, the clouds parted and the sun began to shine.

When we rode to the finish, there were people waiting for us: cheering us as we crossed the line. Champagne began to flow and the celebration was on. One baker from Babycakes Bakery made a delicious german chocolate cake.

The welcome and reception was incredible. I was overwhelmed, but incredibly blessed.

I guess Party Pardee was a good name of the ride, because that is what I felt like doing -- if I hadn't been so tired. There are incredible memories from this day and this ride. My heart is tremendously grateful for all God has done and the people He used to make this all happen.

Was this the ride of a lifetime? I think if may have been!