In the article, it states that 1.4 million people in the USA suffer a brain injury every year. That does not include the over 300,000 veterans who have suffered TBI's in Iraq and Afghanastan. The article mentions some dramatic medical breakthroughs in this area. Praise God for the progress being made, as I am a recipient of the tremendous progress that has been made. My recovery is still in process, but the progress I have made is astounding. In fact, I am just beginning to grasp how serious my injury was and the incredible recovery I have been blessed with. God has been so good to me.
I am grateful for the doctors, nurses, therapists, and other medical personnel who have been used in my healing and recovery. I also have a tremendous friend network/community that has been an incredible blessing: taking care of me, watching out for me, cheering me on, and sticking with me. I know there have been times that I haven't acted like I needed help or have been a very good "recoverer." (If that is even a word.) But I am grateful.
Articles such as Lee's give me and the other TBI sufferers hope. It is a long journey and to know that progress continues to be made gives encouragement to keep pressing on. And thanks to all of you who are those encouragers to me and the other 1.4 million.
I have been folowing your blog for a year and my life has become truely blessed reading & learning who you are. God is amazing. You are amazing! Your post today...has extra meaning. Would you please pray for Maggie? I have included a link to her site.
She needs much prayer!
I look forward to your next blog. Blessings,
Merry Shipman
Bayside Church
Roseville, Ca
Kathi thanks for continuing your blog and chronicling your recovery. You are a miracle and I so glad to know you. If you're ever interested in going for a ride around the local bike trails let me know. I was really consistent before the weather got hot! :) Glad to have played bunko with you a few weeks ago. That was fun and I was glad to see you smiling and enjoying the moment.
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