Thursday, January 28, 2010

I Need to Say Thank You!

My friend Vickie who was with me from the moment I was taken to the hospital following my accident and has cared for me for a year-and-a-half was the one responsible for writing and updating my blog.
I have been told multiple times by multiple people (including my own family in Washington) how valuable this blog has been to them. Vickie did a tremendous job and I am very thankful for the time, creativity, thoughts, etc. that she communicated.
Vickie you have been a blog rock star! Thank you very much!
Now the blog baton has been passed on to me -- Kathi -- and I am responsible for the words and getting the job done. Vic's shoes are probably too big to fill, so I'll try to do my best and not compare myself to her.
Thanks for taking the time to read the blog. It means a lot to me. Blessings, Kathi

Monday, January 25, 2010

I hope 2010 has begun well. The month of January is passing quickly, but I have been thinking through some of my hopes & goals for this new year. Here we go:
  • Continuing to work on my recovery work, which includes eating better, exercising more, reading, working puzzles such as Sudoku & crosswords, and such;
  • To complete the Party Pardee bicycle ride on April 3. I am signed up for the tandem (2 person bike) 100k (65 miles ride);
  • To ride a bicycle "solo" again by my 50th birthday;
  • To be a better friend.
Those are some of my goals and hopes for 2010. I know there are more, but we'll go with these for now.

Blessings, Kathi

Friday, January 15, 2010


2010 is upon us -- 2009 behind us! Beginning a new year seems to bring us to points of reflection, as well as looking ahead and envisioning what might lie ahead. Here I go:
Reflection: Much of my year (especially the early months) is kind of fuzzy to remember, but there is so much to be thankful for, including:
GOD'S love, care, healing, and all that He has provided;
MY FAMILY: though they live in Washington State, they were connected, helpful, loving, and involved as much as possible;
MY "FOLSOM FAMILY" who have been incredible demonstrators of love, care, grace, and so much more;
FRIENDS: ones which I have had for years, but also the opportunity to meet new people and develop new friendships;
REHABILITATION: from physical, occupational, and speech my rehab specialists did an incredible job in helping me with my recovery;
TO PARTICIPATE AGAIN IN: the driving of my car, to ride a bicycle, and to help lead a Bible study small group through my church;
GOING TO DISNEYLAND: for the first time in about 20 years or so;
GOING TO WASHINGTON STATE for Christmas and spend a week with my sister's family and to see my brother;
MY FINAL BIKE RIDE OF 2009 was for 22 miles!

I have heard from multiple people at multiple times that I am a miracle. It has been hard for me to comprehend that statement, but I have been finally coming to grasp that fact.
The reality that I am walking, talking, feeding and caring for myself, driving a car, riding a bicycle, and traveling are incredible demonstrations of God's miraculous work in my life.
Those are incredible truths to remember from 2009. Come back in a few days and I will be sharing some of my dreams and goals for 2010.